Years 5&6

Walking The Dog

Hello to our wonderful community of parents and carers! I hope that you and your children have had a positive month of effortless home-learning and are ready for the next instalment. Thank you for all of your positive feedback and recommendations, if it works for you, it works for us.

Happy learning!

The Headlines - This month’s news
New Focus - ‘Walking the Dog’

English, Grammar - ‘Expanded Noun Phrases’
English, Reading - 'Inference’
English, Writing - ‘Planning narratives’

🔒Maths - Durations of time
🔒Maths - Periods of time
🔒Maths - Time sequences

🔒Geography - Locational language
🔒Geography - Seasons
🔒Geography - Our local area

🔒Early Discounts & Offers

The Headlines

Last Month’s Learning

Thank you to all those who took the time to send us their beautiful photos from last month’s focus, ‘Public Transport’. We loved hearing about your journeys (literally and metaphorically speaking) and can’t wait to see how you get on this month.

Public Transport…

Some wonderful examples of learning ‘on the go.’ From the London Underground to the Barcelona Metro, further proof that effective early learning can take place anywhere!

Got an idea for future topics? Let us know!

Smart Spotlight

This month’s spotlight is shining brightly on Sage…

Sage is crazy about cuisine and has aspirations of being a You-tuber. By combining her two passions, she hoped to encourage others to cook using healthy ingredients. Grammar was our main focus but curricular crossovers were inevitable. Bon Appétit!

Think our project-based approach could work for your child?

We are LIVE!

After a much needed facelift, our website is back online, and looking fresher than ever! A big thank you to Ian Fenton @Fentonandpartners for your branding support and @thomasknights & @firstwecreate for your photography and filming work.

Pay us a visit, today!

New Focus - ‘Walking the Dog’

Thanks to Lily in Nottinghamshire who suggested this month’s idea for learning. I hope that you, the kids and your fur babies get a lot out of our topic for October 🙂 

  1. Expanded noun phrases: To convey complicated information concisely.

  2. Inference: Drawing conclusions from given facts.

  3. Writing: Plan and write imaginative narratives.

Terminology Check

Expanded Noun Phrases: Add more detail to a noun by adding 1 or more adjectives.

Nouns: Words that name people, places, things, or ideas (like "cat," "city," or "happiness").

Adjectives: Words that describe nouns, giving more detail (like "happy," "blue," or "tall").

Elicit: To get a response or answer from someone.

Inference: Making a guess based on clues or information.

Reasoning: Thinking about or explaining something in a logical way.

Narratives: Stories (real or made-up) that tell about events, characters, and experiences.

Key Questions & Prompts

How would you describe that dog?

Which dog are you talking about?

What do you think is going through their mind?

What can we infer he/ she is thinking?

What is the evidence to suggest that they’re happy?

I think this, what do you think?

*Always ask, ‘why?’

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